Ignatieff tells caucus to report to work.
Liberal MPs and senators will return to work as scheduled in the nation's capital later this month, even though Parliament has been suspended until early March.
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff informed his caucus during a conference call Tuesday that he expects them to report for work on Jan. 25.
He told caucus members they can't let Prime Minister Stephen Harper get away with shutting down Parliament and stifling debate.
The move is intended to capitalize on what Liberal strategists believe is a groundswell of public opposition to Mr. Harper's decision to prorogue Parliament until March 3.
"We think there's lots of work to do even if the government doesn't," said one Liberal involved in the call.
Dear attempted commenter who said if I knew anything about Canadian politics, I would know this was impossible: fuck you. Go tell it to Andrew Coyne.
Dear John Ivison, who said there is no groundswell of public opinion against prorogation: that's wishful thinking.
Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who said Canadians don't care about the tortured detainees: you'll see. This won't go away. And if we don't care, why won't you show us the unredacted documents?
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