
and alaska goes to canada

When the Washington Post ran a story called "Raiding The Icebox: Behind Its Warm Front, the United States Made Cold Calculations to Subdue Canada" - about the US's plans to invade Canada in 1930 -- 1930!! -- I was either too busy or too lazy to blog about it.

Fortunately, Nikolas of Life Without Borders has done it for me. Here's Nick's excellent post, along with comments from some of our shared readership.

In case you don't know Nick, he and his partner Mason are waiting (and waiting and waiting) to hear from the CIC so they can head north, too. Nick was the first person to find my blog and email me about emigrating after the 2004 "election", and one of a few people who actually followed through.

The WaPo article is here. Go, read. Registration is required, but it's free, and a handy thing to have.


kelly said...

It makes me angry that as a country, the US had plans to invade so many other nations. It would be naive to beleive that plans don't continue to exist to this day (i.e. Iran, North Korea and god know how many other countries).

Once again I am convinced that the US is little more than a bully on the international stage, and that we would do well to distance ourselves as much as possible from them.

laura k said...

It makes me angry that as a country, the US had plans to invade so many other nations.

And has invaded so many other countries! Many people don't realize what a long list it is - beginning, of course with the mainland US itself. Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Panama, etc. etc. etc.

Yes, it would be very naive to think we've seen the last one, considering it was only three years ago.

theduckthief said...

And what about Manifest Destiny? Does that still exist in the minds of Americans?

laura k said...

And what about Manifest Destiny? Does that still exist in the minds of Americans?

No. I've been trying to think if it exists in some other form, but I don't think so. It's been replaced by this idea of spreading democracy and freedom. I know it sounds crazy, but I think that's the rationale many Americans buy into for the current round of invasions.

Andrea said...

totally off topic but our MP just was informed by CIC MAnila that our visa application has finished in terms of paperwork and the letter to send the passport will be next.
YAAA!! We are going home!!!!!

laura k said...

YAAA!! We are going home!!!!!

WHOO-HOO!!! Congratulations on passing that milestone. Good luck!!

Wrye said...

As a matter of policy, though, the Monroe Doctrine (regarding the Western Hemisphere as America's backyard) is pretty much intact.

Now today's reading: Ian Welsh on the Canadian Economy.. This is why I think Rob's Albertan views are an incomplete picture. And ditto most Ontarians, Bcers, etc. do read it, do.

laura k said...

As a matter of policy, though, the Monroe Doctrine (regarding the Western Hemisphere as America's backyard) is pretty much intact.

I agree. The Duck Thief asked about Americans' mindsets, and I don't think that it exists anymore as a piece of propaganda. I don't think most Americans would recognize it or relate to it anymore. But in terms of real power and influence, that's another story.

Thanks for the link. I'll try to read it, although when it comes to economics, MEGO very quickly.

Wrye said...

No no no, it's yummy and easily digestible. Like some variety of truly delicious pudding, I assure you.

James Redekop said...

As a matter of policy, though, the Monroe Doctrine (regarding the Western Hemisphere as America's backyard) is pretty much intact.

Though I think this is only by default, because US policy no longer restrict themselves to the Western Hemisphere...

laura k said...

No no no, it's yummy and easily digestible. Like some variety of truly delicious pudding, I assure you.

Well, awright. One spoonful.

Hmm, not so bad. OK, one more...

laura k said...

because US policy no longer restrict themselves to the Western Hemisphere...

And haven't for quite some time. But the Monroe Doctrine still applies to the Americas, more or less.