Shortly after we moved to Canada, Paul Martin's government fell and we observed our first Canadian election campaign, then our first federal election. The big issue that brought down the Liberals was "the sponsorship scandal", as it was always called.
I asked wmtc readers why, if Paul Martin himself wasn't implicated in this "scandal" - which involved small sums of money and supposedly demonstrated Liberal untrustworthiness and dirty dealings - the Conservatives were able to use it as a such a potent weapon. The answer, I was told, was that in a Parliamentary system, we vote for the party, not the man.
"In a Parliamentary system, we vote for the party, not the man."
Stephen Harper, we don't care what kind of "family man" you are. We don't care about the firmness of your handshake, or whether you drive your kids to hockey practice. We don't even care whether or not you have kids! Stéphane Dion has a family, too. Big deal. Lots of people have families. What of it.
Stephen Harper, we care what kind of Canada you want. We care where you are leading this country.
We want a Canada that values healthy people and a healthy environment, and understands how the two are inseparable.
We want a Canada that uses its military for peacekeeping, that values world peace and cooperation, not pleasing Washington warmongers.
We want a Canada that believes people should be free to make their own choices, and have complete control over their personal lives and their bodies.
We want a Canada that supports culture and the arts, and helps everyone's voice to be heard.
We challenge you, Stephen Harper, to campaign on issues, and on your party's dismal record. Anything else is just smoke and mirrors. I'm counting on Canadians to be smarter than that.
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