For those of you who aren't on the mailing list, here's the lastest from the folks at Canadians for a Progressive Coalition.
I don't necessarily agree that all of these actions are useful or significant, but if something strikes your fancy and moves you to action, that's always a good thing.
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We need to reach our friends, neighbours, and colleagues with a simple message over the coming days: we have confidence in a coalition, and 60% is a majority. The events of the last few days are cause for jubilation for Canadians who support a progressive coalition government. However, from our conversations with our fellow citizens we know that there is some confusion about the legitimacy of the coalition and concern about the stability of government. To be succesful, we must listen to those Canadians, speak to their confusion, and address their concern.
We must build and show our support respectfully. If we are boistrous and triumphalist we will turn off undecided Canadians. Accordingly, today we have two special actions:
1. Candles for a Coalition. On Tuesday and Wednesday night at 7PM, light a candle in front of a street-facing window and turn off the light in the room for 20 minutes. (Make sure to keep the candle away from anything combustible!) On Thursday, at 5PM we are organizing Candles for a Coalition events across the country. We are going to take pictures and show Canadians from coast to coast support a coalition.
Do you want to help organize one in your community? Email by 4PM PST today, December 2nd. There will be a list of events on the website by Wednesday morning.
There are also rallies being organized in major cities across the country on Thursday and Saturday - check out Make Parliament Work.
2. Call in to radio. A lot of undecided Canadians listen to radio. We need to call in to express our confidence in a coalition and that the 60% of Canadians voted for progressive parties. Use the Conservatives' website to find your best local option.
In addition, we need to keep spreading the word. Over the last 24 hours you've done incredible work for this cause. In one day you doubled the number of people that have taken the petition (now well past 10,000), doubled the number of people in the Facebook group (now well past 5,000), and doubled the number of people who have watched the Youtube video (over 8,000). In fact, because of your efforts can directly reach 4,000 Canadians through this listserv alone.
1. If you have not done so already, please sign the petition. We will submit the petition on Thursday or Friday of this week. We will submit the updated petition again on Monday December 8, the day of the confidence vote.
2. Forward this message to people who use email, and speak with people who don't. Speak with your friends and family and show them the YouTube video.
3. Also, check out the new "share" functions on the front page of the website under the video - the sites on that menu are a great way to reach people. You can also use this function to email the site to a friend.
4. Phone either your MP, or the President of the local Riding Association of the party you voted for, to tell them you support their party forming a coalition government. Encourage your Riding Association leadership to do joint media appearences in support of a coalition.
5. Write letters to the editor, call in to radio shows, and post comments on news stories and blogs. Remember: we have confidence in a coalition, and 60% is a majority.
6. Finally, go through the news sites and vote in their polls on the coalition. Check out the Globe and Mail poll in particular, it's about half-way down the front page on the right hand side.
Canadians for a Progressive Coalition
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