
movie season is approaching, your help requested

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know there are two seasons in my life: baseball season and movie season. I have seen exactly two movies since baseball season started in April, one for political reasons and one for Rolling Stones in IMAX reasons.

I'm in no rush for baseball season to end, but my experience last year taught me to plan ahead. In 2007, I waited until the Red Sox won the World Series to re-subscribe to Zip, and that left me without movies for several weeks. This year when the Red Sox win the 2008 World Series, I want to have movies waiting. Plus I'm getting bored on playoff nights-off.

Since I only see movies five months a year, of course I'm always way behind. I never even finish the list from one movie season before baseball season is back. But that's what it is when your team plays almost every day. Sacrifices must be made.

I'm always writing down titles, but I'm sure I've missed many, too. So once again I solicit your help. What are the best movies you've seen in the last six months?

This post will give you an idea of the kinds of movies we like: the we movie to canada awards.

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