I didn't attend last night's event, but campaigner (and wmtc commenter) David Heap sent me this report:
Irene Matthyssen, London-Fanshawe MP, spoke of the Canadian tradition of helping those fleeing violence, and the need to respect the democratic will of Parliament.
Imam Jamal Taleb, London Muslim Mosque, stressed the importance of standing with those who stand for peace.
Victor Fast, social worker, spoke of his parents who came from Stalinist Ukraine to Canada - Caanan, the land of milk and honey. He pointed out that not only is Matt "on trial" just now, Canada is too. Will we rise to the occasion to be compassionate or will the land of milk & honey go sour for Matt?
Dr. Sharon Baker, Acting Medical Officer of Health, Elgin-St Thomas Public Health spoke passionately, arguing that war is the ultimate in ill-health, and the victims of military violence must not be sent back to face more violence.
Esther Kern, London War Resisters Support Group and friend of Matt Lowell, spoke about her admiration for Matt and read many of his words.
Patti Dalton, President, London and District Labour Council, said LDLC stands in solidarity with Matt.
Another war resister living in London spoke of his own experiences as a medic in Northern Iraq, and the horrendous experiences that led him to decide he had to leave the US army.
David moderated the event and closed with these remarks:
I have been thinking today about the Springhill mining disaster 50 years ago in Nova Scotia, when miners and their communities refused to give up on their fellow miners trapped underground. Those ordinary Canadians' hope and hard work brought those trapped miners out alive when the powerful, the mine-owners and the authorities "in charge" had already given them up as dead. Our hope and hard work can do the same today for war resisters facing the disaster of deportation: we must keep on digging and hoping, hoping and digging, for Matt and for all the other resisters.
Matt is represented by the wonderful Alyssa Manning, the lawyer who successfully won stays of deportation for Corey Glass and Jeremy Hinzman, as well as a leave to appeal for Corey, with Jeremy's to follow soon, we hope. So we will be digging deep in the near future to raise funds for Matt's legal expenses (watch our website for updates), and we will be in the streets Monday after his case is heard at the Federal Court in Toronto - protests are planned in London, Ottawa and Toronto, at least.
One thing that came out of the federal election campaign was that Stephen Harper finally admitted that the Iraq war was a mistake. As an educator, I am always glad when a slow learner finally gets it; the fact is, most Canadians knew this simple truth from the outset, and we overwhelming opposed the war. Matt Lowell also opposed the Iraq war from the very beginning, as he knew it was immoral, unjust and illegal, as well as a mistake. We must not allow our government to punish him for figuring this out sooner than Mr. Harper.
On Monday, October 27, join your neighbours in London, Toronto and Ottawa in protesting the deportation of Matt Lowell and demanding the government Let Them Stay. If you're in the GTA, you already know the drill: we'll be on University Avenue, north of Queen, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. I'll post a reminder and details of more protests as I get them.
Many thanks to David Heap and everyone in the London War Resisters Support Group.
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