James Burmeister, an Iraq War veteran and war resister who lived in Canada for almost a year, will be court martialed on Wednesday, July 16.
James' family and supporters have been waiting to learn if his counsel's request for a "Chapter 10" - a discharge in lieu of a court-martial - would be granted. It was denied.
James' mother will testify on his behalf, and James' family is now trying to raise funds so that his father can also attend. The court martial will be held in Kentucky, where James has been incarcerated for five months; his parents live in Oregon.
If you are unfamiliar with James Burmeister, you might be interested in these two posts: letter from the father of a war resister, and why is James Burmeister in prison?.
The next time someone suggests that war resisters have nothing to fear by being returned to the US, tell them about James.
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