
this is a lot of snow

This is a lot of snow. Perhaps not if you live in Atlantic Canada, or in Ottawa, and certainly not in the Yukon. But for the Greater Toronto Area, this is a Lot. Of. Snow.

And it just keeps coming! We shovelled our way out yesterday morning, but by last night, more than we had shovelled had fallen again, 30 centimetres in all (about a foot). It's the third storm of the season that has dropped more than 20-25 centimetres, and there have been plenty of smaller snowfalls in between.

Allan is making noises about a snowblower, but I'm holding out. One day we won't be able to do it ourselves, but while we still can, we can save the noise and fumes, and get the exercise. But man, do we really need such a long driveway?

The snow is beautiful here. It stays so clean and white. Our backyard is like a wonderland - and for the dogs, an amusement park. They are in heaven. Cody spends most of the time on her back, making snow puppies. She just loves to writhe around in snow! Tala dashes around, kicking up clouds of powder. She looks like she's ready to pull a sled, or maybe stalk a caribou. (In case you missed it, there are some great photos of them here, having a snow playdate with another dog friend of theirs.)

I'm still loving the winter. I'll also be really happy when spring comes.

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