

This weekend I'm sending the invitation to our June 17 party. It's a little early, but it can't wait until we're back from Peru.

If you're a regular reader of wmtc and don't get an invite, that means I don't have your email address. I did have a glitch while transferring some contacts and files during The Move. ALPF, you still there? I used to have your work email address, but no more. Kyle_From_Ottawa and RobfromAlberta - my first two readers! - I don't have emails for you guys, either.

So if you're a "friend of wmtc" and you can be in the GTA on June 17 - or you can't, but you want that warm, wanted feeling an invitation can bring - please email me. Send me some way to verify your identity - a link back to your blog that has your email address, or some old joke we've shared, or whatever clever way you can think of to let me know you are really you.

If you're a friend of wmtc but live nowhere near Toronto, and I have your email address, I'm sending you an invite anyway. Just because.

And lastly, if you prefer to remain anonymous, simply do not email me. I will not be offended!

* * * *

Late addition: For questions about the party, please email me, rather than leaving comments. I'm trusting you all to not share information (like our address!) with the world at large. But on the other hand, I'd love to meet as many of you as possible, and everyone is welcome to bring a partner or friend.


lucie said...

errrr.... i don't know if i can call myself a "regular" visitor since i'm very new here... but if i am in toronto on that date, could i come and say hello? your blog is very very helpful to me and i'd love to say hi :) i will actually be either in montreal or in toronto on that date, looking for a new place...

laura k said...

Email me :)

I'll edit this post to make this more clear.

zydeco fish said...

A party. Wow, that's an interesting idea. I'll have to check my calendar.