
maybe an answer

Today we hope to get an answer on Buster's blood tests. Fingers crossed (chanting, praying, whatever you like) that it's Addison's disease. Second best would be anything that can be treated with drugs as opposed to surgery.

I don't think I can blog about anything else this morning, my brain has only one
track right now. Instead I'll leave you with something to meditate on.

A very old pic, but one of my faves.

b on new mats 016
Buster's favorite position.

b on new mats 026
Hey, what about me?


RIP Peter Jennings. I did want to note the passing of Peter Jennings, someone whose work I appreciated. Before I gave up on TV news entirely, he was the only newscaster I found who brought a healthy skepticism to reports on WMDs, Iraq and the W administration in general. I also just personally liked his style and his wit. He was a fixture in New York City, and an wholly self-made man. Only 67 years old: a walking "stop smoking" advertisement. New York Times obit here.


barefoot hiker said...

Hi, LK... I was initially confounded that you would be hoping Buster HAD a disease, until I threw "Addison's disease" and then "treatment" into Google and realized why. If it's a matter of medication, I can sure understand why you'd be hoping for this to be the case. Short of something intestinal that's due to pass on its own, I'm pulling for Addison's myself. Good luck to you and Buster.

David Cho said...

Thanks for the email, Laura.

I will be pulling for ya. You are a good person with a good dog :).

Anonymous said...

Hope you and Buster get the news you are looking for ... keeping a good thought up here for you.


laura k said...

Thanks, you guys.

LP, we were hoping for Addison's because the doc said it would explain all and be easily treatable. It was not.

On the other hand, it was not as bad as could have been.

The diagnosis was serious, but not a death sentence. Details tomorrow. Or today, depending on when you're reading.

Thanks for your support.

David Cho said...

Look forward to the update!

mister anchovy said...

Buster looks like a great guy...I hope he's going to be OK. We have cats....it started normal like, with one or two....then I inherited one, and a couple pathetic starved, panhandling strays moved in, and we're up to 6, and they're a handful, but we're crazy for all of them.

dogsled_stacie said...

Hey L,

I've been following the progress of determining Busters illness. Am very curious to hear the results. Good to hear that there is some hope!! I know how much these little furry beings mean to us...

Hugs to Buster!

laura k said...

I'd think cats would be very happy in an anchovy home. :) That's cool, all those strays. I understand completely.

I just stopped in to say thanks again to all you guys for your support.

Dogsled_Stacie, nice to know you're here. Hugs to all your pups. (And to David's Noah, of course!)

dogsled_stacie said...

I know it's good to have the support of other dog *enthusiasts* (or... FREAKS!)

Also, you can never learn too much about stuff like this. I'm going through something weird with one pup. This re-occuring abcess - that really confused the vet and I for months. THREE surgeries later and it's finally stopped coming back... whew! The poor little thing is not even 1 year old yet. But she's a trooper...