In the ad, Ray is wearing a black and white scarf. The hatemongering Malkin thinks that scarf looks like a kaffiyeh, which is worn in the Middle East. And to Malkin, that can only mean one thing: terrorism.
As quoted on the CBC website (you can be sure I'm not going to link to her blog, there's not enough valium on the planet), Malkin said, the kaffiyeh "has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad."
Equating a popular Middle Eastern garment with terrorism is bad enough, but Malkin doesn't stop there.
"Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant [and not-so-ignorant] fashion designers, celebrities and left-wing icons."
The scarf is worn by Arabs, Arabs are terrorists, therefore the scarf means terorrism. "Left-wing icons" wear the scarf, so... what's the only logical conclusion here? Progressive people are terrorists.
This is typical Malkin fare, but keep in mind it didn't end on her blog. After some attempts at damage control, Dunkin' Donuts pulled the ad. This is the power these hatemongers have over present day popular culture.
I'll certainly tell Dunkin' Donuts how I feel about this. Please take a minute to do the same.
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