
more progress

1. Allan just booked the movers. Most of our stuff will move to Canada on Friday, August 26.

2. Allan gave notice.



andym said...


allan said...

The question now is:

How long can Allan go without answering a phone in Canada?

Liam J said...

Hi, I just caught onto your blog through Andy at Funcentral. I just wanted to give you my best wishes and say welcome to Canada. I think that you will truly love it here. Best of luck on the move and keep posting. I want to hear your thoughts on life here in the GWN.

laura k said...

LiamJ, thank you so much for the welcome and good wishes! I think I will love it, too.

Welcome to wmtc - see you around the blogosphere.

zydeco fish said...

Well, I hope you like it here. After all of the lead up, it'd be embarassing if you packed up and left :-)

laura k said...

LOL, true. Nah, too much work and too much money has been invested. We will stay for a long while.

I do think we are more Canadian at heart than American, at least the way America is these days. At the very least we will be "ex-pat New Yorkers living in Canada" for a long time.

Anonymous said...

You know who...
