
happy opening day

Red Sox! Baseball! Today!

The beginning of a new baseball season is a harbinger of spring, bringing hope, renewal, and... the end of school! In a few days, I'll be done with another term and can turn my attention back to the rest of the world, including wmtc.

Also in a few days - Tuesday at noon, but who's counting - I'll be finished with 75% of my degree, three of four years. I'm extremely restless and eager to finish. Since starting work as a library page, I'm working hours equivalent to a full-time job, plus school, and I'm really feeling it.

Some days I feel like I just can't do it anymore. But then I get some rest... and, as Jackson Browne said, get up and do it again, amen. Each semester is 13 weeks, and I figure I can take another 26 weeks of this.

Meanwhile... baseball! Today!

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