Last night's War Resister Support Campaign meeting was somewhat stressed. We are up to our eyeballs in work. The prospect of an election - while potentially great news for us - also creates another massive layer of work. We're calling a separate meeting just to organize and distribute tasks!
If you're in Toronto and you want to help, naturally we welcome your presence. But there are important ways you can help, from anywhere in Canada.
Once the election is called, we need the issue of allowing US war resisters to stay in Canada raised at every all-candidates meeting, all across the country. A simple Google search can tell you when and where a meeting will be held in your town.
Attend. Get on the list of questions. Ask: do you support allowing US war resisters to remain in Canada, and what will you do about it? If your party forms the Government, will you implement a program to allow them to stay, as Parliament called for on June 3, 2008?
If you do this, email the Campaign (resisters at sympatico) to let us know.
On the immediate horizon, we need your help to make the September 13 Day of Action a success. A list of participating cities is here, with more on the way. So far:
St. John's - first war resister event in Newfoundland!
* * * *
For me personally, this is a difficult time. If I weren't working on the new edition of Spinal Network, I'd turn the Campaign into a part-time job. It's exactly the time to do that, and I often have just the schedule to do it. But Spinal Network has a deadline. It's paid work, I need it, and it's important. (I'm also really enjoying it.) But it's frustrating!
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