

Does anyone know how to unstick cabinets and windows that are painted shut?


melusina said...

Just a guess, but hammer and chisle? =)

I've never understood the practice of painting things shut. Or maybe it is accidental most of the time, just lazy painting.

James Redekop said...

Cut the paint at the join with a utility knife or Xacto knife. You may need to cut pretty deep, so you have to be careful if you don't want to damage the cupboard itself.

Smooth out the cut edges later with fine sandpaper.

laura k said...

Hi Melusina! So many new readers these days.

It's probably lazy painting. But whoever lived here really wanted to save on heating bills. Every window had plastic over it, there are storm windows outside (useful, but these appear never to have been removed), plus the windows are painted shut. Insulation is all well and good, but on a beautiful day like today, I'd like to let in some air! Plus there is cross-ventilation - I'd like to enjoy it.

James: thank you! You are such a wealth of information. I'm pretty sure that's what Redsock was about to do.

James Redekop said...

thank you!

You're welcome!

You are such a wealth of information.

Nah, I was just raised by teachers. Got a genetic predisposition towards explaining stuff. It can get out of hand at times. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ay, that sounds like heavy heating bills in the winter... I live in a place where I have to put plastic on the windows, if I dont, all the heat will seap out and my place quickly runs down to 45 F. And I am not even saving on bills... ask your neighbors what the winter does of damage to your heating fund!

laura k said...

Got a genetic predisposition towards explaining stuff. It can get out of hand at times. ;)

I have similar tendencies. I understand. :)

ask your neighbors what the winter does of damage to your heating fund!

Well, it's not hard to imagine. But I'd rather put plastic up and take it down every year, than not be able to enjoy a fresh breeze in the house - ever.