While we were in Peru, three people told me Jane Jacobs died, but no one told me about this!! Oh my god!!! Keith!!!
Do you know, Keith Richards was the first thing I knew Allan and I had in common? We hated each other's baseball teams, but we always had Keith.
Can you imagine, after everything Keith has been through, after all his body has survived, if he bought it by falling out of a tree?
And my next question: What do they mean "his home in Weston, Connecticut"? Try his home in NEW YORK CITY!!
Oh, man, I know. Out of a tree! I found the whole incident to be hugely funny, and even more so now that he's "apologized" for "falling off his perch"! Something about that phrase...the idea of Keith Richards offing himself by falling out of a tree is (sadly, of course) funny, but now I have to wonder - what the hell was he doing in that tree in the first place?!!
I love Keith Richards..he has always been, far and away, my favourite Stone.
"apologized" for "falling off his perch"! Something about that phrase...
I know! Yes, sadly funny. :D
I love Keith Richards..he has always been, far and away, my favourite Stone.
Me too me too.
Never fear...I believe that Keith is one of the Undead, and that he just can't be offed by normal, mortal means. He's just too well preserved! :)
The first news report I heard on the subject was very confusing. They said something about Richards suffering a "jet-ski related injury when he fell from a palm tree".
I had a lot of trouble picturing that (though if anyone could do it, it'd be Keith).
Turns out, of course, that he aggravated an earlier jet-ski related injury when he fell from a palm tree. But that's not what 680News said.
BTW, Canadian comic book artist Dave Sim ("Cerebus the Aardvark") included great characatures of Mick and Keith (as "Prince Mick" and "Prince Keef") in an early issue of Cerebus (back before Sim went off his nut).
suffering a "jet-ski related injury when he fell from a palm tree".
I had a lot of trouble picturing that (though if anyone could do it, it'd be Keith).
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