What's the big deal? It's a yes or no question: can you come or not? Send an email. I'm assuming if you haven't RSVP'd by now, you aren't coming, but would it kill you to let me know? How can I plan? For chrissake's, come on already.
You don't have to apologize for your lateness, you don't have to give an excuse. A simple yes or no - I will be there or I cannot attend - will suffice.
People who give parties regularly tell me this is always the case, that it's like pulling teeth to get people to RSVP. Geez.
Good morning.
Ha! Yes, this non-RSVP stuff is making me a tad grouchy.
Wow, I thought it was just me who was being a timid putz. :) Glad to see our national character persists!
Sorry, I can't come.
Hey, this grouchy stuff is very effective.
You got my RSVP, right?
You got my RSVP, right?
You, Lori and some chairs. :)
Thanks for reminding me about the chairs. ;)
Hi Laura,
I can't make it but I will be in TO the following weekend for Pride stuff. There is a 5k run, a party by the lakeshore that evening, an engagement to celebrate and of course the parade that are drawing us down. If you are coming into town for any of it let me know and maybe we can meet for iced coffees?
I had thought of just coming down to your party and just lurking around outside the fence and only piping up when I felt strongly enough about something, but that kind of behaviour is only (mildly) acceptable on the internet and doesn't cross over into "real" life...
cheers, Jen
Hi L! we won't be able to go. (don't forget the pics:-))
I had thought of just coming down to your party and just lurking around outside the fence and only piping up when I felt strongly enough about something,
Good one. :D
I would love to meet for iced coffees, and love to do something for Pride, too. Let's email to see how it will work with my deadlines and strange work schedules. I work Sundays but not Saturdays. Thanks!
I was hoping to send some sort of novelty condiment to the party, but 'tis not to be. I'll comment on the liveblogging thread you'll have going, I'm sure.
I'll comment on the liveblogging thread you'll have going, I'm sure.
That will be nice for those who can't get the satellite linkup.
I wish I could come as I would love to meet the two of you. You sound like good people.
Except for that Redsox thing.
Laura, I'm another one of the guilty nonRSVPers :( Saturday is the day we visit our son (he lives in a group home on a farm north of Barrie)...having autism, we can't miss a visit as he'd be upset.
Hope everyone has a good time
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