
oh, never mind

In response to the discussions here and here, about right-wing reaction to Americans leaving the US, I was going to gather up all the previous wmtc discussions on the topic and combine them into some kind of definitive post. But there are so many of them! It's just too much work, and too boring. It seems we revisit the subject periodically, so I'll leave it at that.

Readers have had many good theories on this. Nick, who is also emigrating, says it's the ultimate separation from group-think, and that people are envious that they could never do such a thing. Crabletta says they are insecure. Rob points out the sentimentality many Americans have about the US, an attitude Canadians - although justifiably proud of their country - don't share. Galileo reminds us of the cognitive dissonance inherent in their hypocrisy. G wants to spray them all with Stupid-B-Gone! All these things are true, and there are probably more good theories in earlier posts that I didn't find.

Speaking of cognitive dissonance, one person who I had to ask to stop emailing me was fixated on the expression, "So one of you is finally acting on 'Love It Or Leave It'!" But, um, LIORLI is your expression. I (obviously) have never believed in that fascist, non-democratic slogan. And if this is what you want - if my leaving makes you happy - why are you bombarding me with hateful emails?


Wait - one more, I can't resist. I got a comment from the foul-mouthed soccer poster - the one who called me a slut, bitch, etc. He says, in part:
Holy fucking shit, this again? Listen nobody fucking cares if you move to the northern wasteland, it's just that you keep pushing this god damn shit in our face. First you start this website about moving to Canada and then you go fishing for reaction at Bill Archer's guestbook on bigsoccer.
This is hilarious! I started this blog in July 2004. Last week, someone (not this loser) linked to it on a soccer site - I saw it in my Statcounter list of referrers - and was wondering if it was a parody. I posted to assure them that it was no parody, someone flamed me, and hence we have "fishing for reaction". He said a bunch of other nasty and inaccurate things, but this representative sample is enough. The curious thing is why he is reading? Goddess knows I wouldn't read his blog.


Crabbi said...

I think people confuse blogs and forums. A forum is a public square, a free-for-all (more or less); a blog is your home. While most bloggers appreciate helpful feedback or compliments, or even debate, harassment is definitely not OK. I would never barge into someone's house and vomit on the living room floor, but that's exactly what these flame throwers are doing. Just because a person CAN doe something, doesn't mean he should. Grow up, people!

laura k said...

Correct as usual. But if you'd like to join me in this guy's living room for a bulimia demonstration, I'm game.

allan said...

You are shoving in their faces by starting a blog??!? Yikes, what a fool.

Probably something like 140,000 blogs are started every day, but you are shoving anti-American crap down their throats.

You'd almost think you invented this guy out of whole cloth to poke fun at the morans who insist that people exercising their freedom are anti-American.

Why is he still reading? Why is he fixated? I'm still wondering why so many right-wing men are always talking about gay sex.

laura k said...

"You'd almost think you invented this guy out of whole cloth to poke fun at the morans who insist that people exercising their freedom are anti-American."

You know my fiction is not that good.

Does everyone know what a "moran" is? Our Canadian readers may not.

allan said...


Crabbi said...

Sure, but only if we can rub his nose in it. "Bad moran! Bad, bad moran!"

Anonymous said...

I have a buddy in the chem field who is working on Stupid-B-Gone ... in the meantime, the closest thing we have is Pepper Spray, and contrary to what people who watched the news during the Chretien reign think, we Canadians do actually know what pepper spray is.

In the meantime, I can't figure either why some people care what some stranger writes on their site. If they don't like it, they shouldn't visit.

Besides, if their politics differ so vastly from yours (and from the way the posts read, they do), then you would think they'd be glad you are leaving, as opposed to offended.

Hey, as far as I'm concerned, adding another intelligent person is always a gain, no matter where they are from. That's what makes this country great - everyone is welcome and we don't force anyone into a melting pot of one distinct culture. I'm not even sure Canada has its own culture, per say ... and that's part of what makes it so groovy. So welcome to you - their loss is definitely our gain. Can't wait till Nick gets here, either!

laura k said...

"Besides, if their politics differ so vastly from yours (and from the way the posts read, they do), then you would think they'd be glad you are leaving, as opposed to offended."

Yeah! They all say they're thrilled - and offer to help us pack. But the are clearly furious. It appears to drive them insane. All the while claiming they don't care.

I like what you say here about Canada. There are several wmtc who are on their way - and a few who are already there, like Mollie from Greener Pastures. I wonder if Crabletta will be next...