

Do you like the new ribbon? I found it through wmtc pal Crabletta. Scroll down for more impeachable goodness.

Go here to join the coalition and get your own ribbon. I don't know if it will help, but I know it can't hurt.


nataleo said...

I love it! I hope to see more on the internet along my travels. I clicked on it to read more about it...I wonder how common those signs are around the country? ("impeach" "bush lied") I'm surprised someone's not hired to take them down :)

Hagis said...

Hi Laura
Thanks for the link back. I answered your comment on my Blog.
The more "Impeach" talk in the country (any country) the better. That's how it starts. We all know he needs to go!

BTW - I'm using my sisters Blogger ID to post a comment here as I don't have one and it won't allow otherwise.

Disreputable - http://greencanuck.net/grn/

laura k said...

Hi Disreputable, thanks for stopping by!

FYI, you can register on Blogger w/out having one of their blogs. That way you can post as yourself.

Nataleo: I don't know how common they are throughout the US, but they are very common in NYC. :)

Granny said...

Impeachment proceedings begin in the House of Representatives and we don't have the votes.

Many of us are working on the next Congressional elections. If we can keep momentum going, we might have a shot.

The House is always much more difficult ahd the Rep/Dem spread is greater. It's only 10 in the Senate and the Senate is a little more sane.

laura k said...

Impeachment proceedings begin in the House of Representatives and we don't have the votes.

I know.

And don't get me started on whether (and how much) impeachment would actually change things.

I'm just saying it because it has to be said.