Redsock just sent me something hilarious and terrific.
Down in that surreal world known as the US media, wingnuts are screaming for Hillary Clinton's head. (What's new, right?) Apparently, while addressing an African American organization on Martin Luther King Day, Clinton committed an unforgivable sin. She used the word "plantation" to describe Republican-controlled Washington, DC. The wingnuts are calling for an apology or - holy smokes, boy wonder! - her resignation!
Yes folks, it's Bizarro World, where up is down and black is white. A criminal sits in the White House, but a Senator should resign because she used a word that... what? Reminds people there was once slavery in the United States?
Now, you must know I'm not a fan of Hillary Clinton, not by a long shot. She's exactly the kind of Democrat that drove me first to Ralph Nader, then to Canada. But come on, folks! The many levels of irony at work here have set my head aspinning.
Rather than try to organize the flood of sarcasm that's trying to leap from my keyboard, I'll share this with you: the Reverend Al Sharpton's response. Nothing I could write could even aspire to this level. Watch, listen and enjoy. Thanks Allan!
I'm not a great Hillary fan either which is a shame because I was when she first came to Washington as first lady.
She's another one of these Dems who thinks we can win by becoming "them". I think she's wrong and we need to stand for something.
Once upon a time she did. Not perfect but she tried. If she becomes the candidate (big if), I'd probably say oh s*** and then vote for her. I won't let anything go by default.
I'm not a great Hillary fan either which is a shame because I was when she first came to Washington as first lady.
Yeah, I liked her then, too. She was another disappointment, just like her husband.
As Atrios pointed out, just Google the phrase "Democratic plantation" to find out how loath the GOP were to affix that label to our side. By their boundless hypocrisy shall ye know them.
I'm in the minority here because I like Hillary Clinton. She is not afraid to call a spade a spade at times and I give her huge credit for that. Mind you, I only hear soundbites because I'm Canadian, so obviously I don't know enough to say either way if she's good for the USA. ;)
As for Al Sharpton...LOL...I didn't think anybody could out-yell Chris on Hardball! He rocked that bit!
Off topic, sorta: a great Keith Knight cartoon.
You have to watch an ad to see the whole thing free, but it's worth the twenty seconds.
I like Hillary Clinton. She is not afraid to call a spade a spade at times and I give her huge credit for that.
In what sense?
Hillary Clinton supported the invasion of Iraq and supports the occupation. She's among the most right-wing of Democrats.
I'd love to hear an example of something she has said or done that you admire. (No sarcasm - I really would like to hear.)
Thank you, L-girl for the link that shows the Al Sharpton clip. I remember when Al Sharpton was a nutcase (I grew up outside NYC and the Tawana Brawley incident was local news) but now increasingly he's the only one that says what I'm thinking. He said great things during his primary campaign and he really stands up to the Right. Can he grow to be a viable leader?
Oh, and let's not forget that she switched sides on the bankruptcy "reform" bill that she had her husband veto, voting FOR hamstringing consumers when it came to her in even worse form in 2004. This is a bill that would not even make exceptions for men serving in Iraq (bankrupcty being one many problems for families serving in that criminal war).
Oh, and she just co-sponsored an anti-flag burning amendment, apparently so no one can accuse her when she's running for President of having a soft spot for free speech. (A flag has not been burned in protest in the US in anyone's recent memory, but that doesn't stop the Republicans from wrapping themselves in it every four years with another phony cry to amend the Constitution to make burning one illegal.)
Hillary is loathesome. But the outrage over the "plantation" reamrks is symptomatic of what we on the Left call the Might Wurlitzer, the Republican noise machine that can drown out just about any inconvenient ideas or threats to GOP hegemony.
I remember when Al Sharpton was a nutcase (I grew up outside NYC and the Tawana Brawley incident was local news) but now increasingly he's the only one that says what I'm thinking. He said great things during his primary campaign and he really stands up to the Right. Can he grow to be a viable leader?
Daniel WBC, you are so right.
Being from NYC, of course I remember Sharpton's nut-job days, too. Then during the last primaries, there he was: the most consistently progressive, sane, truth-telling person on the podium. (Apologies to Carol Mosley-Braun, but Sharpton could run rings around her.)
I've watched him grow, and have been really impressed.
Hillary is loathesome. But the outrage over the "plantation" reamrks is symptomatic of what we on the Left call the Might Wurlitzer, the Republican noise machine that can drown out just about any inconvenient ideas or threats to GOP hegemony.
Yes and yes. One doesn't cancel out the other; both are true.
Thanks for the extra reminders of more of her loathesomeness.
Tresy, you are oh so right.
I would chew my own leg off before I voted for her.
Here are the comments I've heard from her, which is really about all I know of her.
When Bill was President, Hillary went on the Today morning show and said that he was being victimized by a "vast right wing conspiracy". I remember it threw all the Republicans into a tizzy. Viewing the whole situation against the Clintons from Canada, I liked her for speaking up about that. It seemed true to me. Looking back now, compared to what Shrub has gotten away with, what they were critical of Bill Clinton for is mind numbingly minor in comparison.
Then this latest plantation comment. I like that she said it and I agree with her.
It's these comments which make me like her. But as I said, I have no idea about her politics or anything she's done as Senator. I know she's very driven, in terms of her career ambitions, and I can appreciate that too. But from what others have said here in your comments, Hillary is sacrificing Americans' welfare and well-being by her choices as Senator. That's clearly not good. So I can understand why others don't like her.
It's easier for me, being in Canada and not affected by her, to like her as a person. But as a politician, no I probably would not like her if she's sacrificing American lives for career gain. She sounds like Harper, from what you guys have said here in comments.
Thanks for the link. God I love it when he gets rolling.
I'm not a Hillary fan myself either but this broohaha is just silly.
Thanks, Echo Mouse. I know what you're saying. She's an outspoken and tough-minded woman, and she has verbally stood up to the wingnuts, and that's refreshing. I agree.
Unfortunately, she's part of what has made the Democrats so contemptible. And that's the bottom line when it comes to an elected official. We can't support people we like personally when they're selling out their party and their country.
P.S. I liked the vast right-wing conspiracy line, too. Too bad it seems like Hillary has joined them.
My Senior Senator supported the flag burning amendment as well. Barbara Boxer of course opposed it.
Dianne Feinstein is another "centrist" who usually does the right thing at the last minute but sometimes I remember the Dianne, Mayor of San Francisco, and wonder what happened to her. Politics, I guess.
P. S. I too admire anyone who stands by what they believe even when I'm sure they're wrong.
I just don't think that's what Hillary Clinton believes. I think it's political expediency which bothers me much more than her stance on Iraq or the flag.
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