
tomorrow, november 5: students of ontario, unite

From the Student Union of the University of Toronto:

Over the past year, about 1.3 million people in Ontario have been living in poverty, and access to basic social rights and services such as health care, housing, education, childcare, and a living wage are severely compromised. The Canadian Federation of Students is organizing a provincial campaign for a "Poverty Free Ontario". This year is a critical year to lobby as the province is currently revising all of its funding policies to institute a new multi-year agreement for funding schemes to post-secondary education.

Join thousands of demonstrators on a historic Day of Action this Thursday, November 5.

The UofT St. George feeder march will start at 1:00 p.m. at the lobby of Sidney Smith at 100 St. George St. The keynote speakers is Lee Maracle, a long time aboriginal activist and
faculty member at the University of Toronto.

We will head together towards a major convergence point at Convocation hall around 2:30 p.m. where we will be meeting thousands of students from UTM, Scarborough, York and Ryerson will be converging with our contingent.

Together we will march towards the Ministry of Education at 900 Bay street to deliver our message to the Minister of Education, John Milloy. Subsequently, we will be meeting our allies from the labour movement to march up to Queen's park and deliver a historic statement to premier Dalton McGuinty to put education and public services on the top of the provincial budgetary priorities.

The future of the province is in your hands! Come out to the Day of Action!

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