
support the (awol) troops

Tonight I'm going to my first meeting of the War Resisters Support Campaign. This is a group of Canadians who help US soldiers who have left the military and the war, and have come to Canada. The core organizers were Vietnam draft resisters who themselves left the US for Canada some 40 years ago, and are now Canadian citizens.

On a personal level, this feels like a milestone of sorts. We are coming up on our two-year anniversary of moving to Canada, and I finally feel ready to add hands-on activism back into my life.

I thought it would have happened earlier, but between moving, adopting a new dog, and losing one job and then quitting another one, life busy-ness kept delaying my re-entry. Finally I decided to drop my work with Kids On Wheels. I left for many reasons, but it was partly to make room for this.

I hope to become very involved, including writing about individual resisters, to help raise public awareness. And I won't be at all surprised if our spare bedroom is occupied by an AWOL soldier.

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