Not to be paranoid or anything, but my Impeach Bush ribbon has disappeared. So has everyone else's. The code is still there, but the ribbon doesn't load.
Shall we assume this is a Blogger issue? Dismissed as coincidence?
Don't be scared. The Impeach Bush Coalition took down (either intentionally or not) the file for the ribbon. The buttons and badges are still there. (Scroll down on the right.)
I emailed them in case they didn't know about it. I hope it's fixed soon - I like that ribbon!
Not a blogger issue... the .gif isn't at it's home anymore (
My U S map (just a meme of sorts) disappeared yesterday but then it came back.
I think my map was just a glitch but your ribbon scares me a little.
Don't be scared. The Impeach Bush Coalition took down (either intentionally or not) the file for the ribbon. The buttons and badges are still there. (Scroll down on the right.)
I emailed them in case they didn't know about it. I hope it's fixed soon - I like that ribbon!
It's there now.
It's gone again!
Damn those republicans! :)
It never came back. I don't know what Evan saw, but it wasn't my ribbon. :)
hmmm consperiacy theorys will start to fly about this one. hmmmm
this must fall under 'other' for Government monitoring of communications :)
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