When I went over to Life Without Borders to congratulate them, it was cool to see friends of wmtc there. We are quite the community now.
So wonderful to see others accomplish what truly is a great feat. Nothing easy or uncomplicated about it. And the reward is priceless. The temptation to take out my PR card and wave it at parties is almost overwhelming.
I definitely think of wmtc as a community. I don't think everyone in a community has to agree on everything. I feel attached to my friends here in a real community kind of way. What can I tell ya.
Off topic: I've just discovered that Flickr has a group dedicated to Toronto Sushi. Good place to find out and tell others about Toronto area sushi places. With pictures. :)
Matt:The temptation to take out my PR card and wave it at parties is almost overwhelming.
Laura:I love my PR card. I'm so proud of it!
I always thought that "Permanent Resident" was SO much better than "Resident Alien". I don't know if I'd be proud of a RA card and wanting to wave it around.
So wonderful to see others accomplish what truly is a great feat. Nothing easy or uncomplicated about it. And the reward is priceless. The temptation to take out my PR card and wave it at parties is almost overwhelming.
Thank you for the kind words Laura....can't wait to have you over for the housewarming :-)
That does make me happy too.. I'm waiting for that news too one day...
hmmm...no, we disagree too much. Something more irregular or rag tag. A swarm maybe. A horde?
A confederation!
I definitely think of wmtc as a community. I don't think everyone in a community has to agree on everything. I feel attached to my friends here in a real community kind of way. What can I tell ya.
The temptation to take out my PR card and wave it at parties is almost overwhelming.
I love my PR card. I'm so proud of it!
I'm waiting for that news too one day...
Can't wait to celebrate with you, too!
Off topic: I've just discovered that Flickr has a group dedicated to Toronto Sushi. Good place to find out and tell others about Toronto area sushi places. With pictures. :)
What? What? What?
You haven't blogged about Canada beating the US in baseball?
Patience, patience. I can only blog in the mornings now.
Good place to find out and tell others about Toronto area sushi places.
Wow, good place to get hungry, too. Even at 7:00 a.m. pictures of sushi look good to me!
good for them, we are on two months and counting, should be in the home country by May!!!
i really need to stop the procastination about my packing, i hate packing!!!
Matt:The temptation to take out my PR card and wave it at parties is almost overwhelming.
Laura:I love my PR card. I'm so proud of it!
I always thought that "Permanent Resident" was SO much better than "Resident Alien". I don't know if I'd be proud of a RA card and wanting to wave it around.
Amazing the difference a name makes.
Andrea is still trying to find space for both her 73 pairs of shoes and the baby.
I haven't kept up with your friends butI'm pleased it's good news. I'll go and tell them so right away.
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