
rally for rodney today!

Today is Rally For Rodney day! Call, write, email. Make your voice heard.

The Conservative government continues to ignore the direction of Parliament by deporting Rodney Watson back to the US where he faces punishment for refusing to redeploy to Iraq.

Rodney, who currently lives in Vancouver, served a year in Iraq. His contract was unilaterally - non-voluntarily - extended for an additional year. He refused a second deployment to Iraq.

"I realized the war had nothing to do with 9/11 or helping Iraqis or stopping terrorists," said Watson. "It's all about guarding oil for the U.S."

Canada's Parliament, supported by a majority of Canadians, has repeatedly called on the Harper government to stop the deportations and allow war resisters to stay.

Today, tell the Government you want these deportations to stop - now.

Please call or email the Immigration Minister, the Parliamentary Secretaries to the minister, and the Prime Minister.

Ask them to honour the will of Parliament, and stop the deportation of Rodney Watson and the other war resisters.

Remind them that 64% of Canadians feel that US war resisters should be allowed to stay.

Remind them that all three opposition party immigration critics have called on the government to not use the summer recess to disregard the expressed will of Parliament.

The Hon. Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1L1
613.954.1064 (Ministry office) or 613.992.2235 (Parliamentary office)
minister@cic.gc.ca AND kenney.j@parl.gc.ca

Alice Wong, Parliamentary Secretary to Minister Kenney
604.775.5790 (riding office) or 1.877.775.5790 (Ottawa office)
WongA1@parl.gc.ca AND wonga@parl.gc.ca

Rick Dykstra, Parliamentary Secretary to Minister Kenney
905.934.6767 (riding office) or 613.992.3352 (Ottawa office)

The Right Hon. Stephen Harper
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa K1A 0A2

Please cc the opposition party leaders:
Liberal party leader Michael Ignatieff: ignatm@parl.gc.ca
Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe: ducepg@parl.gc.ca
NDP leader Jack Layton: laytoj@parl.gc.ca

Let Them Stay!

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