
black books, episode one

You may have noticed some chatter in comments about "Black Books," a defunct British comedy starring and co-written by Dylan Moran. Allan and I stumbled on the first season of this many years ago on the US channel Comedy Central, shown late at night and not promoted at all. We fell in love with it, then - typical for us - it disappeared.

Just last year, the complete series (three seasons) finally came out on DVD. Allan bought it about the same time we discovered Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, and so we learned that Dylan Moran is part of this constellation of brilliant British comic actors. Moran has a small role in Simon Pegg's "Shaun of the Dead," and a big supporting role in "Run, Fat Boy, Run". Both Pegg and Frost have cameos in Black Books, and there are other connections.

After going out last night, eating and drinking a bit too much, we watched a few episodes of "Black Books". I was going to transcribe one of my favourite bits here, but it needs Moran's delivery and the store's ambiance to deliver the humour. So here you go.

The line I loved so much was Bernard Black's response to "I thought you were gay". But if you haven't seen this, do yourself a favour and watch the whole thing.

Cooking The Books, part 1

Cooking The Books, part 2

Cooking The Books, part 3

A line from episode three, "The Grapes of Wrath," lives on in our home. Bernard, taste buds dead from smoking so much, bites into a coaster and declares it "some sort of delicious biscuit". When you have dogs, this line comes in handy. "The Grapes of Wrath" may be the funniest episode of the whole series.

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