
hear winter soldier testimony in toronto

On Monday, April 7, the War Resisters Support Campaign will hold a screening of testimony from the Winter Soldier conferences. Iraq War resisters living in Canada will also speak about their own experiences.

This year, from March 13 to 16, veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan testified at Winter Soldier, a conference organized by Iraq Veterans Against the War.

The conference was modelled on the original Winter Soldier hearings, which took place in 1971, during the Vietnam War.

The event this Monday will show testimony from both the original Winter Soldier and the recent Winter Soldier II. You'll also get an update on the situation of US war resisters who are seeking asylum in Canada. It promises to be an eye-opening and gripping evening.

When: Monday, April 7, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Health Sciences Building, U of T, 155 College Street at McCaul
More info: 416.856.5008

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