
the half-century mark

I was born on June 13, 1961. I've been alive on this planet for 50 years today. And I'm pretty fucking happy about it.

In my belief system, we only get one shot. When we die, our bodies go the way of all organic matter, and that's all there is. Pretensions of eternity are an illusion created by humans' incredible imaginations, a beautiful fiction to ease the terror of the void, the grand compensation for the curse of having the ability to contemplate our own mortality. No plan, no forever, only the here and now.

Some people find this worldview depressing. I find it clarifying. Live now. Be yourself. Be present, try always to be alive to the moment.

Returning from that philosophical detour... Wmtc6 was terrific. We had a smaller crowd than last year, about 30 people, with several "new" (to the party) faces, both human and canine. Food was great, rain held off, we raised more than $100 for BAD RAP, and raised more awareness about the dangers and futility of anti-pitbull laws. Every year, I feel so fortunate to be able to share an evening in our backyard with good friends.

Last night, we had an amazing omakase sushi dinner. We first went to Sushi Kaji - reputed to be the best sushi in the GTA - for our anniversary in January, and absolutely loved it. They're closed Mondays, so we went last night and this meal was even better.

Today the weather is glorious and I'm spending the day outside with my dogs and a book. Life is good.

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