
the getty. yeah, right.

The waiter said, "Will that be two glasses, or would you like a bottle?"

AWE said, "A bottle, please."

I looked at her and said, "Oh yeah, we're going to the Getty. Right."

* * * *

The puppy ate my shoes. She ate the backs off both shoes, turning them into mules. The plan was shoe shopping in the morning and museum in the afternoon. Instead we went shoe shopping, had lunch with a bottle of sparkling wine, then did more shoe shopping.

This probably sounds like what lots of women do when they get together, but it's not how the two of us generally spend our time. It was fun.

On the way home, we picked up groceries for dinner. We made dinner, ate dinner, and continued drinking wine and talking until we couldn't stay awake anymore.

This travel diary is getting a little repetitive! That's what it is when you visit an old friend. It's great.

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