
another passing

betty friedan

Friedan was a pioneer, carrying on the work of pioneers before her. Her groundbreaking The Feminine Mystique brought feminism into the modern era. She was brilliant, radical, hilarious, and a sharp, incisive writer. She died today, on her 85th birthday.

Here's her entry in the National Women's Hall of Fame.

This has been a bad week for great women, eh? Wendy Wasserstein, Coretta Scott King and Betty Friedan, all leaving this earth in the same week. They each left us so much.


allan said...

Tried to find some explanation for the myth that "famous people die in threes", but had little luck (there was this).

I did love this message board post: "In my 42 years, almost every time someone "famous" has died two more follow within a couple/three weeks. Personally, the people I've known who have died have not gone in threes but it certainly does happen with the famous."

And James wondered earlier why transparent propaganda works so well!

Al Lewis from The Munsters also died. Now, is he #4 or is he #1 of a new trio?

laura k said...

That link is cool! That guy has trademarked "stupid question"? No. I don't think so.

I met Al Lewis when I was 8. Somewhere in my family there's a picture of us together.

And James wondered earlier why transparent propaganda works so well!

Because... [drumroll...] People! Are! Stupid!

Here's a stupid question. Why am I still awake?

Granny said...

Blogger has been down. Sometimes you and I seem to read each other's minds. I just wrote an overly long tribute to Betty Friedan on isamericaburning.

I was around when she wrote The Feminine Mystique. She changed the lives of my generation and the ones to follow.

noone said...

This has been an unbelievable week of great losses.

I don't know why I am surprised by the deaths of great people. It's as if I expect them to be stronger than death. To always be here, defying anything negative, by their intelligence and purpose alone.

The Munsters...lol...I figured, since Wendy Wasserstein was not as well known as the other 3, that she was the one who didn't figure into the pattern of deaths in 3's. So Mr. Munster would be #3. ...Not that I'm stupid or anything. ;)

noone said...

Totally unrelated to your post and I apologize but you got linked at CBC!

Check it out - http://www.cbc.ca/thehour/

I'm all doing the happy dance for you! lol

laura k said...

you got linked at CBC!

Yeah, it's been up for about a week! I keep expecting them to change the listing, but every day, it's still there...

Thanks for alerting us. I didn't want to announce it myself. ;-)

laura k said...

I was around when she wrote The Feminine Mystique. She changed the lives of my generation and the ones to follow.

My mom had an old, worn, paperback copy among her books when I was growing up - that's how I found it. :)

Wrye said...

Because... [drumroll...] People! Are! Stupid!

no no....other people are stupid.

yes, for celebrities to die in threes within two weeks of each other...why, that's a celebrity a week! 52 celebrities a year!

Uncanny! Astounding!

My head hurts.